Продукти за ilex crenata (5)

Етерично масло от Боровинка "abies balsamea" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло от Боровинка "abies balsamea" - Етерично масло

El aceite esencial de abeto balsámico se obtiene de la destilación al vapor de la resina del árbol de abeto balsámico (Abies balsamea), que se encuentra principalmente en América del Norte. Este aceite esencial se ha utilizado durante siglos en la medicina tradicional y se cree que tiene propiedades antifúngicas, antiinflamatorias y antisépticas. El aceite esencial de abeto balsámico se caracteriza por su aroma fresco y limpio, que se asemeja a un bosque de pinos. Además de sus propiedades medicinales, también se utiliza en la industria cosmética y en la elaboración de productos de limpieza y fragancias. Algunas de las propiedades del aceite esencial de abeto balsámico incluyen: Propiedades antifúngicas: el aceite esencial de abeto balsámico se ha utilizado para tratar infecciones fúngicas como el pie de atleta y la candidiasis. Nombre Botánico:Abies balsamea (L.) Miller INCI:Abies balsamea Needle Oil Familia:Pinácea Parte utilizada:Agujas CAS:85085-34-3 EINECS:285-364-0
Етерично масло Niauli "melaleuca viridiflora" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло Niauli "melaleuca viridiflora" - Етерично масло

The essential oil of Niauli, also known as the essential oil of Melaleuca viridiflora, is obtained from the leaves and twigs of the Niauli tree, which is native to Australia, New Caledonia, and other Pacific islands. Below are the properties, uses, extraction method, and other details about this essential oil: Origin: The Niauli tree is a member of the Myrtaceae family and is very similar to the tea tree, from which an essential oil is also extracted. It is found in swampy areas and humid forests of Australia, New Caledonia, and other Pacific islands. Properties: The essential oil of Niauli has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and decongestant properties. It is also believed to have analgesic properties and is a good tonic for the respiratory and nervous systems. Botanical Name: Melaleuca viridiflora INCI: Melaleuca viridiflora Leaf Oil Family: Myrtaceae Part Used: Leaves CAS: 85085‐48‐9 EINECS: 285‐377‐1
Етерично масло от листа на карамфил "eugenia caryophyllata" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло от листа на карамфил "eugenia caryophyllata" - Етерично масло

Clove leaf essential oil is obtained from the plant Eugenia caryophyllata, also known as clove. This plant is native to the Spice Islands in Indonesia, but it is now cultivated in other places such as Madagascar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and India. Method of extraction: Clove leaf essential oil is extracted through steam distillation of the leaves and stems of the plant. First, the leaves and stems are harvested and then sun-dried. After that, various distillation processes are carried out to extract the essential oil. Properties and uses: Clove leaf essential oil has a number of beneficial properties for health and well-being. It is a powerful analgesic commonly used to relieve tooth and gum pain. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, making it effective in treating oral and skin infections. Botanical name: Eugenia caryophyllus Family: Myrtaceae Part used: Leaves CAS: 8000-34-8 EINECS: 284-638-7
Етерично масло от Java лимонена трева "cymbopogon winterianus" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло от Java лимонена трева "cymbopogon winterianus" - Етерично масло

El aceite esencial de citronela de Java (Cymbopogon winterianus) es una variedad de aceite de citronela que se origina en Indonesia, específicamente en la isla de Java. El género Cymbopogon incluye aproximadamente 55 especies, siendo la citronela de Java y la citronela de Ceilán (Cymbopogon nardus) las más conocidas y utilizadas comercialmente. Propiedades: El aceite esencial de citronela de Java tiene varias propiedades beneficiosas para la salud y la industria: Repelente de insectos: Es ampliamente conocido por su capacidad para repeler mosquitos e insectos. Antimicrobiano: Tiene propiedades antibacterianas y antifúngicas que lo convierten en un buen ingrediente para productos de limpieza y desinfectantes. Antiinflamatorio: Ayuda a reducir la inflamación y aliviar el dolor en casos de dolores musculares y articulares. Aromaterapia: Su aroma fresco y limón se utiliza en aromaterapia para aliviar el estrés y revitalizar la mente y el cuerpo. Nombre Botánico:Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt INCI:Cymbopogon winterianus Herb Oil Familia:Poácea Parte utilizada:Hierba CAS:91771-61-8 EINECS:294-954-7
Етерично масло от бяла ела "abies alba miller" - Етерично масло

Етерично масло от бяла ела "abies alba miller" - Етерично масло

The essential oil of silver fir is obtained by distillation of the needles and young branches of the silver fir tree (Abies alba). This tree is native to Europe and is found in much of the Mediterranean region. The essential oil of silver fir has a fresh and herbaceous aroma, and is primarily used in aromatherapy to relieve fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It is also used in the cosmetics industry for perfumes and skincare products. Some properties of silver fir essential oil include: - Anti-inflammatory: it may reduce inflammation in the body. - Expectorant: helps relieve congestion and cough. - Analgesic: may reduce pain in the body. - Antimicrobial: may prevent the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Botanical name: Abies alba Family: Abietaceae Part used: Needles CAS: 90028-76-5 EINECS: 289-870-2